Friday, October 29, 2010

Evo 20-40 physical decline inevitable?

And 'generally accepted as an indisputable fact that the human body takes a significant deterioration in age between 20 and 40 through the natural aging process, and can not be expected that', strength and longevity have energy twenty years, when the His forty years. and the few who make it that far, those in their first athletics, when they do, as well as some professional players in baseball, basketball and football are still in the game when they are looking to reach their fortiesage for an athlete. Case closed. Right? Not so fast.

The truth or error of this belief that aging means that our strength, endurance and strength testing of an inevitable decline, we need a sports physical properties that are running these tests better than our major team sports. A good candidate for the job would run long distance. What would be better to check the strength and longevity of people of different ages, as a comparison of their time in a10K (6.2 km), 10 km run or marathon 26.2 miles? Why stop there? How about a race of 100 miles? This would be even better.

Only a run of 100 miles, but it would not. For a real test, a race that had the ultra-long distance runners the best young people are attracted to. We decided for the 100 Mile Trail National Championships, a USA Track & Field-sanctioned race, running July 31 to August 1, 2010 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio on the Burning River 100 Mile Endurance Run course. Loveda national championship race, it has drawn, many if not most of the top 20 - and 30 runners, so they look perfect for this as something in place of 40 riders head to head competition with young people.

The course was difficult to cross with virtually no long stretches of land on which level was pretty up and down the entire 100 miles! Remember the rise in taxes the heart and circulatory system, while departures to refer to crush the leg muscles. On this, I thinkCleveland / Akron, Ohio, in the middle of summer - that's right - hot and humid. This would be a real challenge for its first 40 years-and large-runners try to keep up with the best in the 20 - and 30 runners.

They were the older riders can hold their own in this ultimate challenge of endurance and strength? We'll see. This championship race on the banks of the Cuyahoga River and through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park began with 249 runners, but becauseweather and the terrain made it difficult to run only 166 finishers. Although the race was won by a 34-year-old Todd Braj, in 15 hours 29 minutes, right behind him in second place was Mark Godal, 40 Even more impressive from the point of view of aging was that the third place went to Jack Pilla Charlotte, Vermont - A 52-YEAR-OLD! In fact, 13 of the 20 men were 40 and older, to go with a 20th place 60-YEAR-OLD!

Women bosses not doing too shabby,be. In fact they were better than men in the race against their own sex, for the first three places for women in their forties. Annette Bedrosky, 43, took the first women (and sixth overall) with a course-record 16:44. This means that the dozens of ultra-elite women distance runners in their twenties and thirties, this course has been running this year are the years, it is not able to get close to the time of Anna, because she had to break the record of about two hours.

Evenagainst the former course record (his personal record) was 46-year-old Connie Gardner, who took second place (Connie, an excuse for not being better, for only two and a half weeks before the race Badwater of 135 miles across Death Valley, said the world's toughest race, a race in which - despite the almost unbearable heat of the desert and three mountain passes - took second place in the women with the strength requirements of 30 hours and 35 minutes). Larissa Abramiuk,41, of Wayland, Massachusetts, was the third and 19th full.

You're done. In a race in the national championship, that some of the best ultra-distance runners in the country which took about forty, dressed and elderly people, two of the top three men and a clean sweep for women.

What better proof of their strength, endurance and longevity of foot race 100 miles over rugged terrain in the heat and humidity of summer in Ohio? The results of this race - thisMaster runners - show that aging does not mean a steady decline in the physical body. When the runners 40 and improved successfully with those in their twenties and thirties compete at the highest level of competition, then a lot of experience of physical decline, most people aged between 20 and 40 is not the result maturation inevitable, but it should be self-imposed.

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