Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lady Bird's clean and beautiful azaleas - 1965 Editorial

Lady Bird Johnson is planting azaleas along Pennsylvania Avenue their contribution to the Great Society, and although this may seem a frivolous gesture, some may be of lasting import.

President Johnson's focus is on the beauty of our bad, old city, rather a strange title in his long list of projects to improve the lives of Americans to something far only once, from Utopia. It's just classified as a "cause" and is relatively inexpensive.

However, theassault long head urbanization has made some mighty desolate landscape. And 'certainly should cover our civilization anthill with a few touches of the work of nature.

Lady Bird's azaleas were donated by a garden enthusiast from NYC and so cost taxpayers nothing. This is probably not be the model for the rest of the program, but it could be a precedent for local garden clubs anywhere in the U.S.

Azaleas are very attractive shrub. One ofthe most beautiful sights of this country, the Smoky Mountains in spring, when thousands of acres of azaleas in full bloom. If Mrs. Johnson plants grow, to compete the Japanese cherry blossom to national attention.

The Japanese had the right idea when he sent on her famous cherry trees. There is no better expression of friendship like a flower which later became a crop.

Read the Japanese one hour per day doing nothing butconsider beauty. It can be a bit 'strange for us in our room an hour every evening and go watch a rose. However, when you dial our attention for a little free thinking in the presence of a beautiful object, it might seem, would gain a psychological somewhere.

Although the Japanese custom is for a mite esoteric "practical" American, a puff of fragrance through the car window or a flash in the corner of our eye color has to have some positive effect.

Many citiesand states that already recognize the value of the construction, landscaping in property values and attract tourists dollars or simply providing a pleasant environment. The Cleveland Museum of Art Gardens, Cuyahoga County Metropolitan Park System, Akron, Stan Hywet property and Mansfield Kingwood tulips come immediately to mind.

The Highway Department offered without, from Washington, last year planted several miles of flowering shrubs in the median of Route 21 in Brecksville from Ghent.We choose our initial dividend of beauty this spring. Besides the appearance, helping to reduce shrubs light headlights of cars on the opposite lane.

Hand in hand with the landscape ongoing efforts to clean up our air and water. The pollution of our air through the plant, a pillar of our economy has been to accept as inevitable. The pollution of our streams and lakes of toxic waste water from crowded cities also been condoned as a necessary evil.

A newRace, environmentalists, George P. Smith, executive director of the Cuyahoga River Remediation Commission explains, is not completely useless. Our fish, birds and our our trees are not driven to extinction if we have a little 'attention as smart as we use it to exercise our mountains of waste.

Increasingly, local governments and manufacturers around the environment closest to their natural state.

The paper industry, once an important contribution to currentThe pollution has made great progress since its wastewater under control. Paper mill managers are active in almost all local conservation programs.

steel mills and oil refineries are the biggest violators of pure water and air in the present. However, they acknowledge their responsibility in this area and we took the first steps to control their waste.

All this costs money, a lot. The consumer ultimately pays the price it pays forGoods. Everything is relative, if and until all of the city to produce and meet their comparative advantage situations remain the same.

The giant black hole is also known as Lake Erie, a problem of monumental proportions. To clean this great natural resources of both the federal and demand is likely to help an international treaty. Contamination of beaches in Cleveland all the way back to Chicago. Most of the poison, but from Detroit and Toledo.

Thisand other cities of the Great Lakes are not unmindful of their role in Lake Erie ruin, they require the economics of disposing of municipal waste and industrial self-awareness more than it is now clear.

Not a pleasant thought to Lake Erie is full of mud in height from six inches a year. Ugh!

Smith sums up the need to embellish and preserve a bit 'of prose:

The man in his carelessness,

The man in his injustice of God,

A man in hisGreed

It is the killing of all that God has given him

And if not stopped to kill themselves.

"The elimination of pollution of our waterways and air transport is so important that it means the survival of humans, fish, birds and vegetation," says Smith.

Strong words, but we can not leave this work to Lady Bird huge and Smokey Bear.

Before April 1965

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