Friday, September 3, 2010

Corporate Compliance Issues

Many companies are now diving everywhere like mushrooms, and this can be partly attributed to globalization throughout the world. This has certainly had its good effects on the population, but have also been a source of some problems in the company. These questions have increasingly rampant thus the Government to take necessary measures.

While companies can certainly help to open up the economy, should not be left alone as they please. There arevarious laws such as state, regional, agency regulations and industry standards, companies must follow.

Issues raised are addressed by various organizations in many of these laws. Such laws are usually called compliance with the law. Are the laws that the people, the environment and all the concerns of the arrogance of the great questions of protecting society. These include sexual harassment in the work area, environmental problems, budget problemsfair employment practices and ethics.

Hearing the news of sexual harassment is already quite widespread. Many women have addressed these issues and complained that they were sexually harassed by co-employees or their bosses in the office. In the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides that the definition of sexual harassment, "the unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by an employer or a co-dependent.Sexual harassment affects the individual explicitly or implicitly, work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive to the victim. 'Sexual harassment can also be made as a promise for the position of development in their area of work in return for sexual favors. The harassment may be a male or a female and the victim can not also given to sexual advances, but someone for the conduct of war is concerned and very offensive.

Issuesfalse financial statements in relation to society, has shocked many people and that cost investors millions of dollars. Also, the cost many investors to doubt the safety of the market several of these scam companies. For this reason, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act was enacted. With this, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board or PCAOB was established for the sole reason for the supervision, control, regulation and discipline auditors and their role as auditors of publicCompanies. The penalty for fraud firms were also addressed in this law.

Many companies that produce products and wastes that harm the environment and can cause injury. Companies can easily contaminate the environment, but fortunately the Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is established. This agency employs scientists, engineers and environmentalists to work together and try to environmental risks arising from negligent companies cope. The Agencyand implementing rules to meet the enemy companies to prevent accidents such as fire Cuyahoga River. This is also to promote cleaner air and water to fire.

Indeed, countries have the necessary measures to help and protect people from companies that damage the environment and people in general. Penalties are also imposed on firms that can not adopt the law.

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