Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Restorative Justice - an Indian perspective

Imagine for a moment that fall with a cold or flu, and the sight of this, your neighbors and fellow citizens, you are arrested and thrown in jail. Shortly after his arrest, he goes before a judge and jury that you label "criminal" and "deviant" prescribe more, outside of social norms. They send you to prison, where you can sit for years, perhaps even after the disease has passed.

You can say, "Thank God, this is only hypothetical, and could never happen in aintelligent civilization, "but you know what? 'success. and not in some distant land, with an evil dictator. E' success here in America.

No, not for the physically ill, but for those who suffer from psychological and sociological imbalance. These people spiritually and mentally ill were filling the prisons of this country for hundreds of years.

It 'strange that some of the people are very shocked and the idea of launching a cancer patient would be horrifiedPrison for treatment would be the same person who would be more prisons and longer sentences in cases of mental illness Holler.

The Cuyahoga
As a country that is the whole idea of what disease really is and does not require revision. Some may remember in 1969 when the Cuyahoga caught fire due to pollution, has been dumped in. The citizens began to fist and waving the fight declaration for the city or statedo something!
Where were these people when the first sewer pipe has been installed?
Where were they when the frogs are born with two heads and five legs?
Where were they when the fish could not live in the river?

Why must we wait until the house has been burned before calling the fire department?
The time to get to the doctor after the person is not dead and buried.

Spirit Sick
In the Indian tradition assumes that a person outside of the stepsThe boundaries of social norms is "mentally ill". He is in balance with the harmony of the circle and, because he is sick, it was - not punished.

A criminal is not something that is a choice you make, and then something changes with our decisions. At other times would be our medicine people with this person in what was sometimes referred to as "Peace Village" called work, the work of "right thinking" that make more decisions in a row in this individual, to restorethe future.

The difference between thinking and criminal retaliation and the Native Village Peace Peace is in the village - all men - have a place in the circle of life. They have an intrinsic value. Not only was it better to restore this person so that was the source contributing to the social whole, it was necessary. It was clear that the evil spirit in a man could be made stronger, in fact, and have a far more devastating impact onCommunity, if not treated.

The proof can be found be found anywhere in the world in every prison.
The spirit in which it feeds? Good or bad?

It 's more realistic picture of the good things a person feels valued and part of the company who is subjected to inhuman, and degrading in an unnatural manner, and feels, is to be expected, as he has no place in society, or a stake in the well-being.

Change the way you see things
Dr. Wayne Dyer said: "IfChange the way you see things, things you see change. "
Only the company changed the nature of the disease and looks at the current response to the fact that we begin to work on a solution. It is not until we see all people as a value and not a way in which we see them as coming from God and deserves to be treated as such beginning.

I am the first to accept that there are people who need to hurt and prey on others, but we can do it in a way that preventswhich is suitable for the restoration of the person concerned. A better way is, and we do not need to wait until the river was on fire before you act!

"We judge others by their actions.
We measure ourselves by our intentions. "
- Chinese Proverb

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