Monday, October 25, 2010

Its OSHA and EPA compliant does not ensure safety - systems do

OSHA and EPA Compliance Framework RULES

If Congress passes laws in the United States is often what is actually spent only the foundations for what will be regulated carried to and from the executive. These laws are a federal government agency to implement and enforce shared. The process is similar to state and local levels. Regulations of a measure that the institution of the group, or a person who has referred to the expectations.The idea is that, be sure to see these groups according to the reference value, then all are. The areas that this behavior is more pronounced, and the average citizen is more in touch with this type of measures to ensure compliance in the workplace (OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and environmental (EPA-Environmental Protection Agency).


The sad reality is that regulations often with a strong dose of emotional stability and are a reaction to a tragedy that took place. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established, as it turned out that the disposal of hazardous waste has been the impact on many others, was killed on rivers and land, and has been in the development of cancer, as means the supply of water and other affected areas. The critical points that the legislation requires the establishment of new and radical was when the Cuyahoga> River caught fire for the third time, the establishment of the Agency for Safety and Health at Work (OSHA) has come under similar circumstances, such as deaths and injuries of employees leading to 10s of thousands of people every year.

Regulators to measure checklists on how organizations comply with their provisions. The problem is that a book can control, but could not sit next to a hazard on the checklist. EPA hazardous wasteThe regulations are just some of the more obvious when it comes to it. While work to assess whether you meet their needs, using a limited list of materials and processes to determine whether there is such a risk. With few exceptions (flammable materials, corrosive, or "reactive" are), this list is not the change of new materials or processes. One example is the chemical acrylamide. This is used in genetic research to break apart the DNA strands so that they can be studied. Eachacrylamide unused has special requirements for handling, but ethidum bromide (a toxic and powerful as acrylamide), is not included in the list and does not require special disposal. Many organizations recognize these differences and pool these seemingly toxic substances with other hazardous waste, but there is no federal requirement to do.

Regulations have a place in the workplace,Environment, because some people are really bad actors and corners, removing the protection of workers and adverse impacts on the environment to save a few dollars cutting. That is, not all participants are willing to sacrifice for others, a point of view. Many far more than is required to go. I try to be "compliant" is not the best use of resources discourage these organizations that want to be judged on their ability to achieve these objectives. These groups are already showing theirWillingness to protect human health and the environment by committing additional funds to those required for compliance. A framework for such systems, worker safety and the environment should take a greater regulatory flexibility is allowed and to meet the overall objectives of these agencies, non-compliance with any guidelines established protection can be measured.


Through the use of a system that evaluates an organization in which the corrections and helpful, most are doing in line with its mission, vision and values. Many organizations may use a system to reduce accidents of workers but also for the reduction of claims for workers. Another organization in the same sector may be reduced to a production of greenhouse gases, but also save money by reducing energy costs. An effective system at the center, rather thanCompliance, companies can include a variety of solutions taking into account what we are as an organization.

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