Friday, October 1, 2010

Earth Day Celebration Ideas

If you are not 60 or 70, may be interesting to check with the previous generation. The water and the air was thick and dirty, full of leaded gas emissions from factories and cars. The environment was so polluted that in 1969 the infamous Cuyahoga River in Ohio caught fire when sparks from a train fell on oil for water.

With the current climate debate, narrowing the issues and endangered species in danger seemingly nowhere, it's easy to forget howSo far we have come already. The fact that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have not even received in July 1970, shortly after founding of Earth Day. Note the incredible power of public demand, in combination with a purpose and is representative of all areas of life. It can and will make a difference. Has forced the government to start protecting our sources of life: clean water, air and earth. Thanks to the EPA to bring into existence, the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, followed by environmental laws.When Gaylord Nelson, Senator from Wisconsin announced in Seattle, the idea of Earth Day, dissolves the fire of a different kind - of enthusiasm. Thousands raised by the millions, as they have taken action to protest against a show room for abuse. On April 22, 1970, 40 years ago, joined 20 million Americans move, fill, parks, roads and universities in the peaceful demonstrations of the first Earth Day.

Today, Earth Day Network provides 1.5 billion people, part of the global events andPrograms. There, business organization or community who has not heard about Earth Day. Each of us must, at least to some extent, the consequences of our actions towards the environment. We are slowly beginning to understand that protecting what we have left - the environment, save energy and better solutions is not a passing "trend". What better way to bring these issues in their communities as a celebration of Earth Day - the day when it all began?

The EarthDay Network has a wealth of ideas on how to honor and celebrate the fortieth anniversary in this year's special. Visit his page and watch the activities in your area. And if it does not happen a lot? Download some tips and ideas from this site and to organize their own. This is what our community has done. We farmers are not necessarily those of green certificates, but those who practice traditional, non-chemical way. Our Town Cafe the green path. The owner of the barAlready compost waste, focusing on organic and local cuisine offers delicious, gluten-free or non-diary options. They serve as a central collection point for the Community Support Agriculture (CSA) program and is a popular meeting place. So it was an easy fit. They invited local composting site to share the secrets of good compost. Then came the education of young people and adults in the program, whether forgotten, and fascinating skill - survival in the kitchen and use of mountain herbs and wildmore. The school sustainable agriculture, horticulture and permaculture design below. local clothing company is pitching in with information about organic clothing and natural fibers that are not only good for the skin, but to protect the environment. If you reuse a competition for children and sponsors fire their imagination with the production of material, you can begin a process of care and tremendous fun.

The conversation is really "what is green? What is" sustainable? "These wordsso abused in recent years, but even more urgent and important. Where does the energy comes from your community? How sustainable? There is a recycling program? What are the alternatives? You can invite the whole community in the discussion. We are all together.

see a great video with Annie Leonard "The Story of Stuff" is - a non starter for discussion! And last but not least, there is no better substitute for concrete action. Each city thankhelp with a car cleaning, or sidewalks and street landscaping plants. Do you have a wonderful day and the beginning of the tradition will be continued.

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