Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Soccer franchises as civic assets

The fire of a game in any sport during childhood, perhaps only a strong presentation of innocence is celebrated with unbridled hope, excitement and sadness. The National Football League, the savior of modern quintessence of cynicism perception of professional sport for the Green Bay Packers. Even in the dead of winter, basking in the warmth of religious Wisconsinites Lambeau Field and shines a whole state of great pride. May be a dying breed of places wherea fan can save a bratwurst and drink a lot of junk on a team. Games have been sold for more than thirty years. Season tickets are willed from generation to generation. (The waiting list is long, nearly 40,000 names) is reached. And if a stranger were to ask naive quietly, which owns the team, fans uniform, armed would be "cheese wedge" that covers the head, do not respond in chorus: "We!"

The Packers, whose sale was a 1998 stock option plan, the municipalityto finance the participation of minorities and has raised over $ 24,000,000 (120,000 shares) for a capital improvement one must maintain a constant commitment to the franchise in Green Bay for eternity. Do not try convincing Packers fans, there's life after football.

It seems that the transfer of the Browns (now Ravens) in Baltimore and the Oilers (now Titans) to Nashville, where the said utopia than confusion, an idealist. USFANS President Frank Stadulis decree would franchiseThe owners have absolutely no right to transfer their operations to another city, although the transition to a dramatically increased financial incentives. "USFANS believes that all communities should be allowed to have their hometown professional sports teams, and can form their new team and if they choose," Said Stadulis.

It is surprising that some Stadulis strongly supports the U.S. deputy Earl Blumenauer, the bill aptly titled "Give Fans a Chance Act of 1999"(HR 532 for those of you scoring at home), which essentially requires the owners of franchises or leagues, and notice of the proposed acquisition of the host community before the move to offer a club member from the community immediately.

The report on housing plan Blumenauer earlier this year indicating that the fans pay for "still more for tickets, more parking, more taxes, more for the seat licenses for more concessions that make it less convenientless convenient for the community
and more profitable for the few who profit. Should not be so. '

But this rhetoric provincial undermines the reality that the masses do not benefit the few, by lifting franchise. Perhaps not Blumenauer Cleveland, Phoenix, Denver and Dallas (to name a few) - with the city or transferred or sports team expansion that millions of people on - on his travels in the background. Rising prices have lifted the fans'expectations have forced managers of franchises to improve the quality of their product. In return, fans and city officials, the benefits gained from many accommodations, luxurious amenities, exciting experiences and upgrade the local economy. All these interdependent mechanisms improves, the market value of the franchise, and sometimes their potential value elsewhere.

There are some notable examples of cities embrace their local teams,sometimes after a temporary separation. Cleveland Browns fans welcomed back their favorite team, after an absence of almost four years, in typical form. On the eve of Brown's 1999 Home Opener was Cleveland spotted eating hot "joy Reuben" at the restaurant Sportsman (open since 1947 and always subject was his orange team and brown), talking football with friends along the Cuyahoga River, and Harpo's Sports Cafe to celebrate with a few more laps of drinks. YesCleveland has confirmed that the Browns are at home.

Definition of a professional team sport rooted as "civic" remains an unresolved debate in Congress. But the prospect of government intervention are clearly disastrous. The liberal agenda, such as HR 532 by 14 co-sponsors (13 Democrats and a Republican pro-labor), would have invested literally leaves every incentive for business people with sufficient cash flows in professional sports.Local governments would replace the private sector has been completed and reach the Peter Principle, the first change of ownership.

Private investors are responsible for innovative developments in the sports and entertainment, but some visionaries believe that the ownership of the task of pedestrians. Blumenauer supports local governments hold the local franchise at any price, but not a decision of view, because the city owns the "game". Ironically, his colleagues adopted the law of Curt Flood1998, which repealed the antitrust exemption Major League Baseball, for the League to ensure a level playing field, as a "business".

And so the audience again with more questions than answers. Sport is a game, work, or both? And if so, what impact this term, a city in search of local inventive tactics to keep their franchise in the house?

Stadulis argues that the relocation of the franchise may be terminated by the owner of fans, and here's why: 1) It is a closer relationship and providesPromise of fans and hometown teams, 2) the loyalty fans fans right the right to own teams, 3) the revenue of the fans, deserve access to annual reports, decision making, 4) Fans owns the home team , 5) The fans have a direct impact on how games are played and how players behave.

Despite the failure of a socialist convictions, this argument and its backers are visible from the seemingly unstoppable hard yet, the reality is that sport is as much a business as a game.thus reveals the dominant theory of capitalism, the natural market forces, effective management of sports franchises is dictating.
Fans of property under the platform USFANS, catastrophic results would result in almost all cases. Stadulis lobbies for fans to determine how the team is "spending and to ensure the reinvestment of revenue strictly need" team "not to" increases in ticket prices. "First of all, a customer pays for a ticket that was a financial transaction and revenue isowners of the company. Second, increase ticket prices because their customers willing to pay higher premiums, regardless of what the owner of their annual budgets. Team owner, like all successful entrepreneurs seek to maximize profits.

Imagine the transition from private to public ownership, as the NFL: angry fans stormed the stage at a quarterly meeting for its shareholders. Many of them experience a rude awakening ifThe discovery that league rules prohibit shareholders publicly criticize any official team football, a club member, its management, players or coaches. Even more fans for the possession of the privilege tax to the Commissioner each shareholder up to $ 5,000 fine and confiscation of property of privilege is betting on the outcome of a game or the NFL.

Supporters, like all potential entrepreneurs, very realistic to make that sacrifice. But why should they?
Stadulis is right for all the evilReasons. Supporters have their own team and control the financial success of these teams through the adoption of or resistance. Their voices are unmistakable in the stands each home game, and listen to the owners because they want to make money. Fans set the price of peanuts, popcorn and beer. Fans set the price of tickets. And in most cases to determine if a fan of the franchise goes or stays. Making the city of Los Angeles.

Before liberal politicians, once again the question ofprotect those who can not fend for themselves, should perhaps more accurately determine the transfer of franchise movement. Some cities, sometimes responsible for the loss of their advocacy groups, without the support of Congress.
The Browns are coming home to the "Dawg Pound" with an emphatic declaration that the loyalty of the fan is proportional to the most courage, the dedication of the team as a civic. Well, that's how the game is played.

© 2007,Michael Wissot,

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